Official language: English, French
The usual basic ticket price: ~50€
Status: Ended
By years – photos, videos, and reports
About the event
BronyDays took place on the last weekend of October – the first year in Paris (in the English language), the second in Nantes (in the French language).
Both cons took place in a small conference center and included a classic con program with panels, interviews with guests, cosplay competitions, etc. The first year took place in one hall, the second also had a small side stage for another program.
The con also invited guests who participated in the creation of MLP: FiM, both from overseas and local dubbers. You could also come across community guests, more or less known. At the end of both events, a traditional charity auction took place.
Saturday night was dedicated to music – live concerts, a DJ party, and a laser show.
The venue always had a hall of vendors and exhibitors, where, in addition to the classic merchandise, you could also meet community guests and their projects. Everything was complemented by thematic music games, especially My Little Karaoke and DDR Trotmania, but it was also not difficult to find someone for the MLP CCG game.
The second year the con was aimed primarily at the local audience: although there was a conguide in English, the program took place in French. If you didn’t speak the local language, you could find fun at games, vendors, or meeting others – most of the time it wasn’t a problem to talk to others in English.
BronyDays was first organized by AROBD, which merged with Harmony Evenments in April 2015 to form Hoofmade Events, which organized the second year of BronyDays.
The idea to organize a con in France for MLP fans: FiM was born in the spring of 2012 and in August of the same year the trio of organizers founded the association AROBD (Association for the BronyDays Organization). Before BronyDays 2013, they also organized several smaller meetups.
In addition to BronyDays 2015, the team was already organizing an event for local fans called PonySouth as Hoofmade Events. However, the attendance was lower than expected, some members of the team lost interest, their enthusiasm got lower and the complexity of organizing events went high. So in the autumn of the same year, the decision was made to end the organization of both events. The organization itself moved to a summer meeting called Ponies Holidays.
In November 2016, an event called PonyFolies took place in Paris, which partly followed the tradition of BronyDays (the event used the same mascot and Twitter account, the theme was the Middle Ages).
The mascot of BronyDays is Madame Banane – a dark cyan earth pony with a yellow mane and a typical black hat. Her cutie mark is a yellow banana.