Date: 9. – 10. 4. 2016
Place: Event City, Manchester, Great Britain
Number of attendees: ~1200 (rough estimate)
On this page: Photo Galleries | Videos
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Photo Galleries
From attendees
It is not known if the convention had any official photographers, so all albums are from attendees.
- Friday (unofficial pre-party in Jazz club) + Saturday program + Sunday program + Afterparty (Ember Photography)
- Saturday + Sunday program (Jamis – reupload)
- Saturday + Sunday program + Manchester trip (xsoft – reupload)
- Saturday + Sunday program (Deryk Lister – reupload)
- Sunday program (CreepyRiver)
- Cosplays mostly (Mustan)
- Various photos (from unknown authors and sources)
Promo videos and trailers
Summer Sun Celebration (official recordings)
The whole performance of all musicians. Hosted on Dailymotion, because of copyright issues.
- Omni performance
- Silva Hound performance
- Usagi Drop performance
- Prince Whateverer performance
- Shawn Wasabi performance
Event live stream and highlights (official recordings)
Deryk Lister – Summer Sun Celebration
Pieces of music from all over the SSC.
Deryk Lister – weekend program
Random videos from the whole weekend event.
Various videos
Random videos from various attendees.