Almost 4 months since the first public beta and no announcements…
Yeah, I’m not a big fan of “update every week” in the beta stage. But there are a lot of changes (especially content updates), just not on the front door site. Let’s see what happened here in the meantime:
Event-by-year content – photo galleries and videos
The biggest change: I’ve used Czequestria and Brony Days to create the event-by-year page design and test the whole process. Check those links and let me know if you like them (contact me here)!
You can find 3 types of materials there:
- links – default option, if materials exist online
- reuploads – vanished galleries and videos, restored from earlier backups
- upload of new materials – published for the very first time
The first group is easy – link for the photo gallery or embedded video (rarely links to videos from sites, that require login).
The second group refers to once-uploaded and now missing or otherwise publicly inaccessible content – either from former platforms (like G+), abandoned private webpages, canceled accounts on existing platforms (like YT, FB), or deleted / inaccessible content because of changed conditions of the platform (limiting of free use, closed accounts, etc.). They say the Internet does not forget, well… it does a lot. These were reuploaded here or on YT.
The last group is surprisingly big because some people just take photos/record videos and rarely publish them (including me). So I got the originals, sorted them, and upload them here or on YT. Yeah… that’s thousands of photos. Doing this was the most time-consuming part of the whole process. Also necessary, if they were ever be published and not forgotten. Of course, with the consent of the authors – this is the part, that took a lot of time too.
New uploads and reuploads
Photo galleries are hosted here on the site – photos are converted to a size that won’t ruin your data plan if you have it (max 2048px width or height). Videos are hosted on a dedicated YT channel https://www.youtube.com/@bronieseu – all new video uploads and reuploads are sorted into playlists per event year, or in a dedicated playlist (if needed).
The whole site size is now 1,8 GB and this is just a start – luckily, there is plenty of space on the server. Next time, I’ll prepare detailed statistics, but so far:
- reuploaded panel recordings, plus 2 reuploaded and 2 completely new (never published) galleries from BronyDays 2013-2015
- 9 reuploaded and 15 completely new (never published) galleries from Czequestria 2014-2022
- dozens of new short videos from both and few reuploads
Of course, uploading to YT includes descriptions with original author credits.
Event Calendar, fixes, and new content
An important part of this site is the now updated Event Calendar of brony events – so far limited to European conventions (which are much harder to find, because of a language barrier). Yes, there are plans to expand this list also to meetups and events outside Europe, but first things first – this is still the beta stage, right? Also, I’m just one pony, creating and maintaining this whole thing.
Many small fixes have been done, mainly for cell phone browsers and there is still a lot to be fixed for sure. Static pages (About, Links, etc.) are to be added and Contact is still pretty basic. Not to mention all the materials (about 2TB) waiting in my archive to be published.
But yeah… this is a solid start! Let me know if you like the page so far! Aside from posting this to my Twitter @Jamis_bro, this will be also my first post on Mastodon Jamis@equestria.social (which I don’t have time to use, because of my life, and work on this site).
If not online, then see you at European brony events! (look for Gala Fluttershy 😉 )