Phew… all the galleries for the European convention overview pages currently described on this page are finished and published! This was a lot of work, mostly because there were a lot of materials to go through and select the representative ones.
Let’s take Hearth’s Warming Con as an example:
- my event archive contains ~4800 items (photos, videos, graphics designs – from all 4 events)
- selection to choose from: ~2700 photos (where I was able to reach authors and they agreed with publishing their materials here on site)
- final representative selection: 30 photos and 6 mascot designs
Photos and designs are grouped into categories corresponding to the paragraphs in the event description – there is a 6 items limit per category to keep it event description relevant (large galleries are planned for event-by-years pages).
Every photo has a description (metadata if you want) – short description, long description (if applicable), year of the event, and author. In some cases, it took some time to find out the corresponding metadata (local VA guests’ names, etc.) and the authors of some graphics designs remain unknown to me, despite an extensive search.
So yeah… the initial ready-to-publish version is finally done! YAY! Now the static pages, calendar, reporting system… and then finally open beta.